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The Purpose-Driven Path to Prosperity ™

We Transform Financial Stress into Financial Success

We Transform Financial Stress into Financial Success


A 45-minute complimentary consultation is a great way for us to connect and discuss how we may be able to serve you. During our time together, we’ll briefly discuss your goals, challenges, and aspirations as well as possible solutions. Click here to schedule a consultation.

There is no minimum amount of assets required to work with me. 

We charge a flat fee for financial planning and coaching services. We do not charge commissions or any additional fees.

Our goal is to get our clients on a clear path to financial success. While we have flexible options available, most clients find that my 12-week financial planning and coaching program prepares them with the necessary tools and mindset to meet and exceed their financial goals.

As a certified financial planner, I am a fiduciary; this means that in providing financial advice and or planning, I have an obligation to act in the best interest of my clients at all times.

CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation is the professional standard for the financial planning industry. A CFP® professional has met rigorous education, training, and ethical standards.

A financial plan is a document that reflects your goals, current financial picture, and a blue-print that includes strategies for achieving your goals.

A behavioral coach helps people make changes to their thoughts and behavior. As a behavioral coach, I help you to work through why you do what you do so that you are aware and equipped to choose new behaviors. I find that clients who receive financial behavioral coaching tend to establish an empowering new outlook and greater momentum towards their financial success.

I know from my own experience that having money and financial knowledge doesn’t always lead to positive financial outcomes. I learned that confronting the beliefs, thoughts, and habits that hindered me, AND developing a healthier relationship with money was key. My mission is to use my experience, knowledge, and compassion to help clients find the financial freedom that they seek.

I initially pursued financial planning because I wanted to learn everything I could to help myself and my family achieve financial success. I fell in love with financial planning because I enjoyed creating solutions to relieve the stress that so many of my clients experienced as it relates to money. I started TrueWealth Solutions because I wanted to leverage those solutions to create a pathway towards financial freedom.

Read Personal Bio  

From an area in New York (Brooklyn stand up!) where resources were scarce, I was completely focused on getting that one step ahead. At a young age, I had the responsibility of a child and that fueled my constant hustle towards financial stability.

Back then, my mission was simple – Become a high earner and provide a great life for my daughter and my mother. Since then, I’ve learned from experience that having money and even knowing what we should do with it, is very different from having the discipline, self-mastery, and know-how to execute in our day-to-day lives. This is where I really show up for my clients. I provide a strategy for achieving financial goals AND equip them to develop the skills, insights, and accountability they need to execute in their day to day lives.

We’re committed to blending financial coaching and personal financial planning to create a transformative journey that leads to financial empowerment, freedom, and success.

We’re committed to blending financial coaching and personal financial planning to create a transformative journey that leads to financial empowerment, freedom, and success.